Mathematics Knowledge Question

In teaching my ASVAB prep course, I spend the majority of class time presenting lessons on the two math sections of the ASVAB.  The two math sections of the ASVAB are Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge. Today I present a Mathematics Knowledge question.  Most of the questions in the Mathematics Knowledge section are algebra or geometry.

Today’s question is a geometry question.  The question is about a circle.

The question is:

If the circumference of a circle is 10 pi, what is the area?

  1. 5 pi
  2. 10 pi
  3. 25 pi
  4. 100 pi

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to know the formulas for the circumference of a circle and the area of a circle.

I remind my students of the importance of knowing the various formulas for the different shapes in geometry.  I will present the answer and explanation tomorrow.