Three Types of Author’s Purpose

Today I present a post on the three types of author’s purpose.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I remind the students in my ASVAB prep course of the importance of being aware of the different types of questions that can appear on the Paragraph Comprehension section of the ASVAB.  Author’s purpose is the reason that the author wrote the piece.  There are three types of author’s purpose that are the most common.  These three types are: to inform, to entertain, to persuade.  When an author writes with the purpose of informing, the author presents a nonfiction piece. Information includes facts. Fictional pieces are not informational.  When an author writes with purpose of entertaining, the author presents a piece that could be funny, scary, dramatic, etc.  Fictional pieces are written for the purpose of entertaining.  A true story that is a narrative piece could also be written for entertainment purposes.  When an author writes with the purpose of persuading, the author is trying to influence the reader.  Advertisements are great examples of persuasive work.  Persuasive pieces try to influence the opinions or beliefs of the reader.