Word Knowledge Answer
Yesterday I presented a question on the suffix -morphic or -morphous. Do you know the meaning of the suffix -morphic or -morphous? The suffix -morphic or -morphous is one of the suffixes I included in my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide.
-Morphic or -morphous means having a specific shape or form.
The meaning of some words with the suffix -morphic or -morphous are included below.
Amorphous means without a clearly defined shape or form.
Anthromorphism means the attributing human characteristics to a god, animal, or object.
Metamorphosis is the process of changing form of a thing or person into a completely different one
Polymorphous means occurring in several different forms or stages.
Did you know the meaning of the suffix -morphic or -morphous?