Word Knowledge
Yesterday I presented a question on the suffix -mania or -maniac. Do you know the meaning of the suffix -mania or -maniac? -Mania is an obsession with something, while a -maniac is the person who has the obsession.
Here are the definitions of some words with the suffix -mania.
Bibliomania is a craze for books or reading.
Egomania is an extremely self-centered or self-worshipping attitude.
Hydromania is an irrational craving for water.
Kleptomania is an irrational tendency to steal.
Musomania is an obsession with music.
Pyromania is a craze for starting fires.
-Mania, -maniac is one of the many suffixes that I present in my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide. Knowing prefixes, root words, and suffixes is beneficial to expanding one’s vocabulary.