Word Knowledge Question

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I remind the students in my ASVAB prep course of the importance of building their vocabulary skills.  The Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension sections of the ASVAB play an important role determining your ASVAB score.  I focus on reviewing common ASVAB vocabulary words.

Today I present an ASVAB vocabulary question.  I present the word “wince”.  This is one of many words that could appear on the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The question is:

What does the word “wince” mean?

  1. Win
  2. Shrink back
  3. Steal
  4. Judge

The word “wince” does not have any Latin or Greek root word, prefix, or suffix.  It is the type of word that either you know the meaning of it, or you do not. Do you know what “wince” means?

Tomorrow, I will present a video of my cat, Mr. Cuddles®, where he will present the word in context with clues to its meaning.  I will present the answer and explanation tomorrow.