Word Knowledge

In my role as an ASVAB tutor that prepares people for the ASVAB, the military entrance exam, I place a strong emphasis on vocabulary review.

Yesterday I presented ASVAB vocabulary word “unison”.  Do you know what “unison” means?

What does unison mean?

  1. Understandable
  2. Done at the same time
  3. Universe
  4. Perfection

The word “unison” has the Latin root word “uni”.  Uni means one.

Today I presented a video to show the word “unison” in context.

The video presents the word in context with my “talking” cat.

“Ok, ready guys we’re going to recite this one in unison.  On the count of three.  One, two, three. The three little kittens, they lost their mittens, and they began to cry.  Hey, wait a minute.  How come I am the only one saying this?  I thought we were doing this all together?”

From the context clues, it can be seen that unison means done at the same time.

Did you know what the word “unison” means?