U.S. Navy Birthday

Founded October 13, 1775

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I value the significance of recognizing military holidays, observances, and anniversaries in my blog.  Today is October 13, the U.S. Navy’s Birthday.  The Continental Congress established the Continental Navy, which on October 13, 1775, became the United States Navy.  A resolution of the Continental Congress the United States Navy with a “swift sailing vessel, to carry ten carriage guns, and a proportionable number of swivels, with eighty men, be fitted, with all possible dispatch, for a cruise of three months….  When the American War of Independence was completed, the United States Constitution empowered the new Congress to create and maintain a real navy.  The Department of the Navy was established on April 30, 1798.  October 13 was officially recognized as the Navy’s birthday in 1972 by Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt who authorized this date as the official birthday.