Navy Reserves Founded 3/3/1915

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I have come to appreciate the various military holidays and anniversaries that our nation recognizes.  Today, March 3, is the Navy Reserves’ Birthday.

The Navy Reserves were established on March 3, 1915, and at the time were known as the Federal Naval Reserves.  The Navy Reserves were founded as a reponse to the outbreak of World War I.  After their creation, they have served in every major war that the United States has fought in.  Presidents who served in the Navy Reserves include President John F. Kennedy, President Lyndon B. Johnson, President Richard Nixon, President Gerald R. Ford, President Jimmy Carter, and President George H.W. Bush.  The Navy Reserve provides support to the Navy.  It is an important part of the Navy that supports the active-duty component.  When people enlist in the Navy Reserve, they serve on a part-time basis and train near home until they are called into Active Duty.