Words from Mr. Cuddles® Wednesdays is back.  Mr. Cuddles® presents the answer to yesterday’s vocabulary question, “What does wary mean?”  Mr. Cuddles says, “I like to tell people make sure you’re wary at night. When you go out for a  walk, always stop and look over your shoulder.  Make sure you’re cautious.  Stay safe out there people.”  It can be seen from the context clues that the word “wary” means cautious.  I have incorporated the use of my cat to teach the vocabulary section of the ASVAB to make the learning more memorable.  I focus heavily on Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge to make sure I help people with their math skills for the ASVAB.  Toward the end of each class, I present my students with the Word Knowledge section of the test via Mr. Cuddles®.  My students often say, “We are so glad we have Mr. Cuddles after all the math we did.”  He seems to have become my little mascot and source of enjoyment for my students, allowing the class to end with a  laugh.  There are many ASVAB tutors our there, but how many use a stray cat to teach vocabulary?