Word Knowledge Video

Yesterday I presented an ASVAB vocabulary word for review.  The word is “ambidextrous”.  This is one of many words that can appear on the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The question is:

What does ambidextrous mean?

  1. Can live on land or water
  2. Equally skilled in using both hands
  3. Left-handed
  4. Unclear

Today I present a video that shows the meaning of the word “ambidextrous” with my cat, Mr.  Cuddles presening the word in context.  In the video while dressed as a pirate holding a sword, he says, “I’m ambidextrous, meaning I’m equally skilled at using both hands.  So just because I carry my sword in my right hand doesn’t mean I can’t equally use it in my left hand.  Aarrgh!”

The word “ambidextrous” has the Latin prefix “ambi”.  The Latin prefix “ambi” means both.

Dextrous means having skill, especially with the hands.  When you put the prefix and root together, it reveals the meaning of the word “ambidextrous”.  “Ambidextrous” means equally skilled in using both hands.