Word Knowledge

Yesterday I presented a question about Greek and Latin root words.

What Latin root word has the same meaning as the Greek root pan-?

  1. carni-
  2. herbi-
  3. omni-
  4. mot-

As an ASVAB tutor, I tell my ASVAB prep students of the importance of knowing Greek and Latin roots.  Some root words have equivalents in Latin and Greek.  Pan- is one of these roots.  Pan- means all.  It is a Greek root.  The Latin equivalent is omni- which means all.

Here are the meanings of words with the Greek root word pan-.

Pandemic is a disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Panacea is a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.

Panoramic is a wide view in all directions

Here are the meanings of words with the Latin root omni-

Omnivore is an animal or person that eats food from plants and animals.

Omniscient means knowing everything

Omnipotent means having unlimited power.

Did you know that the Greek root pan- had the same meaning as the Latin root omni-?