Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote

Most people who double you doubt you because they can never see themselves doing what you are trying to do. -David Goggins.

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I meet many students who admire David Goggins for all he has endured and overcome in his life.  David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL and an accomplished author and motivational speaker.  He had a difficult childhood with an abusive father, overcame obesity to enlist, the list goes on.  David Goggins reminds us that when people discourage us it is often because they know they could not achieve the goals we are working toward.  When people doubted his ability to lose 100 pounds in 3 months in order to qualify to apply to become a Navy SEAL, they knew they could not achieve this goal.  David Goggins did not fall short in achieving his goal of losing the weight.  Decades later he continues to be a prime motivator in the lives of many people of all ages.  Many students who do not like to read and so captivated by his book, Can’t Hurt Me, that they cannot put it down.  Listen to David Goggins’ advice.  Do not let the doubt of others stop you.  Keep working toward your goal. Never ever give up.