Inspirational Quote

Inspirational Quote

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. -George Adair

George Addair was a real estate developer in post-Civil War Atlanta.  He started his work in the mercantile business, moved on to general trading and auctioning, and finally started a real estate business.  His quote reminds us that all we want is on the other side of fear.  Fear is what stands in the way of our goals.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students to stand up to what they are afraid of.  If my students are intimidated by fractions, I remind them to keep working on fractions.  If my students fear the time limit on the ASVAB, I remind them to work on picking up speed in their math skills.  If my students plan to join the Navy and are afraid of water, I remind them of the need for swim classes.  Fear is not something that will lead you toward your goal.  It will stand in the way until you stand up to your fear.  I have heard that fear has two meanings when the four letters of the word fear are analyzed.  F.E.A.R could mean forget everything and run or it could mean face everything and rise.  The choice is yours.