Motivational Quote

Do what is right, not what is easy. -Unknown

In life, there is a difference between doing what is right and doing what is easy.  Doing the right thing does not come easily.  When we chose to do what is easy, we are choosing what is best at the moment but will not be the best in the long run.  Honesty and integrity are the best way to handle situations in life.  In preparing for the ASVAB, I remind the students I tutor that it is important to work hard in order to achieve their goals.  Devoting time each day to studying is not the easy thing to do, it is the right things to do.  There is no sense in aiming for the bare minimum score.  It is worthwhile to aim for the highest score you can earn.  The higher the score, the more job options you have available.  Aim to always do the right thing and reap the rewards.