Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote

Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you. -Unknown

In life, we all have dreams.  Too often, people become discouraged when we share our dreams with others, and they do not understand our dreams.  Each of us has a dream.  It is meant for each one of us.  Not everyone will understand your dream.  Achieving that dream requires risk and hard work.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I meet people with the dream of enlisting in the United States military.  I meet people who have a lot to overcome to achieve that goal.  Struggles with the math section of the test.  Difficulty mastering the English language. Fitness issues.  Weight struggles.  The lack of approval from family, friends, and significant others.  I have seen my students face many obstacles to achieve their goal.  I am inspired by those who refused to give up.  They understood the risks that their dreams presented and faced those risks head on.  I salute these proud young men and women for not allowing the obstacles to keep them from their dreams.  Be like them.