Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote

In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety.  Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again. – Abraham Maslow.

In preparing to become a teacher, I learned a great deal about Abraham Maslow.  Maslow was an American psychologist who created Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.  The needs are presented in a pyramid form.  Each lower level is necessary for someone to achieve the next level. The lowest level is physiological needs which involves the need for food, water, air, shelter, clothing, and sleep.  This is the most basic level and if needs are not met in this level, people cannot achieve higher levels.  The next level is the safety and security level which includes health, employment, property, family, and social ability.  After that level is love and belonging which involves friendship, family, intimacy, and sense of connection.  Then comes self-esteem which includes confidence, achievement, respect of others, and the need to be a unique individual.  The highest level is self-actualization.  Self-actualization involves morality, creativity, acceptance, meaning and inner potential.  In life, we move up and down between these all the time.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I see students moving up and down between the levels.  Sometimes the issue is lack of employment that keeps them from pursuing their goals.  Sometimes their lack of self-esteem holds them back.  In life, an awareness of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is helpful in showing us what we need to overcome in order to reach our true destiny in life.