Inspirational Quote

There is no failure.  You either win or you learn. -Unknown

This quote or some variation of it has been said by different people.  Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, is one who said a quote like this.  Gary Keller, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent is another.  In life, we learn from our mistakes.  We all wish learning could be from our successes, but we do learn from our errors.  We learn what not to do again.  We learn where we need to improve.  We learn to never give up.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students that they need to learn from their mistakes.  If they already took the ASVAB and were not pleased with their scores, I remind them to focus on the areas that need work.  In not obtaining the score they wanted, they have the opportunity to see what areas need work.  It is their chance to learn and to improve.