Inspirational Quote

Forgive your younger self.  Believe in your current self.  Create your future self. -Unknown

In life, when we live with regret, we are living in the past.  When we live in fear, we are living in the future.  It is important to forgive ourselves for our past mistakes.  Instead of living in fear, we need to focus on the present where we can believe in ourselves.  In making confident decisions in life in our present, we are able to create our future selves.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I meet many people who regret not preparing properly for the ASVAB in the past.  Some people say they become fearful when it is time to take the test.  I tell them that when they are thoroughly prepared for the ASVAB, the fear will disappear.  I remind them to make sure they are solidly prepared for the exam.  When they are, fear has no place in their test taking experience. By putting the effort in, they begin to believe in themselves.  When they master the skills needed for the ASVAB, they are able to create a future for themselves.