Mathematics Knowledge

What is another name for a hendecagon?

  1. nonagon
  2. decagon
  3. undecagon
  4. dodecagon

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I emphasize the importance of reviewing the names of the shapes as well as the formulas for geometry.  Geometry is an important part of the Mathematics Knowledge section of the ASVAB.  Students preparing for the ASVAB need to know how to find perimeter, circumference, area, surface area and volume as well as the names of all the shapes.  To be able to answer questions like this, you need to know the names of all the shapes.  I remind my students to review the names of shapes from three sided shapes up to twelve sided shapes.  The name hendecagon is the Greek version of the name.  This same shape also has a Latin version of its name.  Do you know how many sides a hendecagon has?  Do you know the other name for a hendecagon?  I will present the answer and explanation tomorrow.