Word Knowledge

What is the Greek root that had the same meaning as the Latin root aqua-?

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind the students in my ASVAB prep course that studying Latin and Greek root words can improve their ASVAB vocabulary score on the Word Knowledge section of the test.  Having a strong vocabulary can also have a positive effect on one’s Paragraph Comprehension score.  The Latin root aqua- has a Greek equivalent. Aqua- means water.  There are a number of words in the English language with the Latin root aqua-.

Examples include aquarium, aquifer, aquaculture, aqueous, aqueduct, aquanaut, aquarist.

Aquarium is a small tank that houses aquatic animals.

Aquifers are bed rocks that hold ground water

Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic plants and breeding of aquatic animals for food.

Aqueous means similar or related to water.

Aqueduct is a pipe or channel that carries huge volume of water.

Aquanaut is a scuba diver, one who dives underwater.

Aquarist is a person who looks after an aquarium.

Do you know the Greek root that means water?

I will post the answer and explanation tomorrow.