Motivational Quote

Motivational Monday

“Winners are not people who never fail but people who never quit.”

As an ASVAB tutor, I have seen this quote become a  reality before my eyes in teaching the people in my ASVAB prep course.  I have met people who have failed the test multiple times.  I used to think I could tell who would be able to pass the test based on their most recent score.  Over the years, my mind has changed on this topic.  Now I know that it is the people who never give up who reach their goals.  Hard work and motivation means so much more than what someone’s last ASVAB score was.  In addition to receiving the necessary ASVAB math and vocabulary help, studying independently for the exam helps to reinforce the material learned.  When I meet truly motivated students, I am inspired by them.  I look back at the most motivated students I have an smile when I remember how far they have come from civilian to military life.