Motivational Quote

Motivational Monday

The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal.  The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. – Benjamin Mays


I appreciated this quote from Benjamin Mays, an American Baptist minister and America rights leader who was involved in the civil rights movement.  In life, many people feel discouraged when they do not reach their goal. Remember at least they had a goal.  When someone has no goal, how can they make any achievement?


As an ASVAB tutor, I meet students time and time again with a powerful goal.  Their goal is to serve our nation.  In life, we need to identify our goals and make plans to achieve them.  When I designed my ASVAB prep course, I made sure to cover the 4 main sections of the ASVAB: Arithmetic Reasoning, Mathematics Knowledge, Word Knowledge, and Paragraph Comprehension.  I saw the importance of providing help in the areas of ASVAB math, reading and vocabulary.  As a teacher, I set goals for my students to achieve.  But the responsibility rests on their shoulders to achiever their own goals.  I remind them to keep their eyes on the prize and work for it.