Motivational Quote

Go the extra mile.  It is never crowded. -Unknown

In life, too many people do the bare minimum to succeed.  Taking the easy way is not the best way.  It might seem like the best way at the time, but nothing worthwhile comes easily.  Today’s expression reminds us to do more than the bare minimum.  Going the extra mile requires extra work.  Not everyone is willing to put in the extra work which is why the extra mile is never crowded.  This quote reminds us that hard work pays off.  In order to succeed we must not settle for the bare minimum.  We need to work hard than those around us.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of working harder.  Aiming for the bare minimum is not an acceptable goal to have.  I remind my students to aim higher, work harder, and achieve more than those who are not willing to put in the work.