Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote from Mia Hamm

I learned a long time ago that there is something worse than missing the goal and that’s not pulling the trigger. -Mia Hamm

Today I present a quote from American soccer player, Mia Hamm.  Mia Hamm is a retired professional soccer player, two-time Olympic gold medalist and two-time FIFA Women’s World Cup champion.  Her quote reminds us that the only thing worse than missing the goal is not taking the shot.  The only thing worse that not achieving what you wanted is never having tried.  As an ASVAB tutor, I see the value of a quote like this in motivating the students in my ASVAB prep course.  Some people become discouraged when their attempt to enlist is postponed because of difficulty with the ASVAB exam.  I remind them that they need to keep persisting.  It would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity of enlisting for the sake of giving up.  Keep persisting.  Do not give up on your dreams.  Aim for your goals and follow through until completion.