Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote from Denzel Washington

Just because you are doing a lot more doesn’t mean you are getting a lot done.  Don’t confuse movement with progress. -Denzel Washington

Denzel Washington is an Academy award-winning actor, director, and producer.  He was born in 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York.  His father was a Pentecostal minister, and his mother was a beauty shop owner.  Over the years, Denzel has given numerous inspirational speeches and presented many motivational quotes.  In today’s quote, he reminds us that doing more does not mean getting more done.  Movement does not equal progress.  In today’s world, people are proud to talk about how busy they are.  Sometimes we busy ourselves with things that are not improving our lives.  People spend time on social media, playing video games, watching television, the list goes on.  Their time is occupied, but did they achieve anything in that time.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of being aware of the value of their time.  I remind people of the importance of reading books to improve their vocabulary and their reading comprehension skills.  Some tell me they do not have time to read.  I remind them that we all have time if we prioritize our time better.  Audiobooks are a wonderful option to increase our exposure to books.  We can listen to books while we are doing other things like driving, waiting for the bus, cooking, etc.  There is no sense in wasting a second of our lives.  Every minute counts.  Do not lose sight of that fact.