Motivational Monday

Motivational Quote from Denzel Washington

There are two types of pain. One that hurts, and one that changes. -Denzel Washington

In life, in addition to experience happiness and good times, we experience pain and suffering.  According to this quote from Denzel Washington in a movie he was in, there are two different kinds of pain.  He said that one type hurts and the other changes.  Sometimes if we do not learn the lesson from our pain, we are not able to change.  Many times, true growth occurs in times of pain and suffering.  It is when we are at our lowest when we can find growth.  When we step out of our comfort zone, we are able to flourish.  In tough times, we can find our inner strength.  Some people do not contemplate in their times of pain and do not find the opportunity in their challenges.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students that good things come from tough times.  Sometimes the challenges in our lives cause us to strive higher than before.  We learn how strong we truly are.  We look back at the challenges we overcame and realize we can overcome much more.