Motivational Monday from The Rock

The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, is a famous wrestler and actor.  He did not always have financial security in life.  This quote shows us that you never know where someone started out.  We cannot compare our beginning in life to someone else’s end.  The Rock shares the story of how he was struggling financially in 1995.  It was at the moment he had $7 in his pocket. He knew 2 things: that he was broke and that one day he wouldn’t be.  Sometimes in life it takes a moment where we make the decision to make the change.  We need to realize that our present circumstance is not where we want to be and that is enough to make the difference.

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I see countless people come through my ASVAB prep course.  When I meet people with boundless motivation, I see people who have what it takes to reach their goals.  I meet people who want to join the military in spite of how difficult the process is to reach that goal.  When you have the mindset that nothing will hold you back from your dream, it is then that you will achieve your goals.  In order to join the military you cannot many things hold you back.  Not the need for ASVAB math help.  Not the need for ASVAB vocabulary help.  Not the need to lose weight.  Not the need to gain weight.  Nothing should stand in your way.  Realize that being where you are is not where you want to stay.  That should be enough motivation.