Inspirational Quote

Don’t decrease the goal.  Increase the effort. -Unknown

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students not to give up on their dreams.  In life, when we face challenges, we need to realize it is not time to give up on our goals.  It is time to work harder to achieve our goals and reach our destiny.  I have designed various options to help my students to succeed on the ASVAB.  I wrote ASVAB study guides, created ASVAB videos, and designed live ASVAB prep courses.  There are 4 different study guides I wrote and had published on Amazon.  The books are entitled: The ASVAB Tutor’s Arithmetic Reasoning Study Guide, The ASVAB Tutor’s Mathematics Knowledge Study Guide, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide, and The ASVAB Tutor’s Practice Questions for Arithmetic Reasoning and Paragraph Comprehension.