Arithmetic Reasoning


Yesterday I presented a question about reciprocals.  Do you how to find the reciprocal of a whole number.  The question asks: What is the reciprocal of 4?

Finding the reciprocal of a number involves flipping a fraction over.

The number 4 can also be written as 4/1.

When 4/1 is flipped over, it becomes 1/4.

A few of my ASVAB students told me that they saw questions on the ASVAB asking them to find the reciprocal of numbers or fractions on the exam.  As an ASVAB tutor, I make sure to remind my students of the importance of being able to find the reciprocal of fractions as well as whole numbers.  Finding the reciprocal is an important step in division of fractions.  To divide fractions, it is necessary to keep the first fraction, change division to multiplication and flip the second fraction over.  Flipping the second fraction over is also known as finding the reciprocal of that fraction.