Word Knowledge

What suffix has the same meaning as the suffix -able?

  1. -ness
  2. -ible
  3. -less
  4. -ism

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of studying prefixes, root words and suffixes. Yesterday I presented this question asking which suffix had the same meaning as the suffix -able.  The suffix -able means able.  The suffix with the same meaning is the suffix -ible.  -Able and -ible are two of the suffixes that I included for review in my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide.

There are many English words with the suffix -ible.

Examples include flexible, inflexible, irresistible, edible, credible, incredible.

The meanings are listed here.

Flexible means capable of bending easily without breaking.

Inflexible means unwilling to change or compromise or not able to be bent.

Irresistible means to attractive to be resisted.

Edible means fit or suitable to be eaten.

Credible means able to be believed, convincing.

Incredible means impossible to believe.

Did you know that -ible has the same meaning as -able?  Both suffixes mean able.