Mathematics Knowledge


Yesterday I presented a question on parallelograms.

Which is not a parallelogram?

  1. square
  2. trapezoid
  3. rectangle
  4. rhombus


In working as an ASVAB tutor, I focus on the importance of studying shapes for the Mathematics Knowledge section of the ASVAB.  Geometry is one of the important topics that appears on this section of the test.  In my book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Mathematics Knowledge Study Guide, I review geometry to make sure my students know the different shapes and their formulas.  Yesterday’s question asks which of the shapes is not a parallelogram.  To answer this, you must know the features of a parallelogram.  A parallelogram is a four-sided shape with two sets of opposite sides that are parallel.  A square, rectangle, and rhombus all qualify as parallelograms because they are all four-sided shapes with two sets of opposite sides that are parallel.  A trapezoid is the only one that is not a parallelogram.  A trapezoid has one set of parallel sides, the other set of opposite sides are not parallel.  Did you know that the trapezoid is the shape that is not a parallelogram?