Arithmetic Reasoning

Yesterday I presented a question on inches and miles.

How many inches are there in a mile?

  1. 1760 inches
  2. 5280 inches
  3. 15,840 inches
  4. 63,360 inches

As an ASVAB tutor, measurement is one of the topics I cover in my review of the Arithmetic Reasoning section of the ASVAB.  I remind my students of the importance of knowing conversions for inches, feet, yards, and miles for distance measurement.  I remind them of the importance of reviewing liquid measurement and their need to know the conversions for ounces, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons.   I remind them to study weight measurements and that they need to know ounces, pounds, and gallon conversions.  I also tell them to review metric measurements.  To answer this question, it is essential to know how many inches are in a foot and how many feet are in a mile.

1 foot = 12 inches

1 mile = 5280 feet

To figure out how many inches are in a mile, it is necessary to multiply 5280 x 12.

5280 x 12 = 63,360 inches.

The final answer is 63,360 feet.

Did you know how to answer this question?