Word Knowledge

Yesterday I presented a question about the different root words that mean “light”.

What root word does not mean “light”?

  1. metr-
  2. luc-
  3. lum-
  4. photo-

Three of these choices are root words that mean light.  The Latin root word luc- and lum- mean light.  Examples of words with the Latin roots luc- and lum- are translucent and illuminate.  The Greek root word photo- means light.  Examples of words with the Greek root photo- are photosynthesis and photography.  The one root word that does not mean light is choice A metr-.  Metr- means measurement.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of reviewing prefixes, root words, and suffixes.  Reviewing Latin and Greek roots are helpful in improving the ASVAB vocabulary score on the Word Knowledge section of the test.

Did you know the Latin and Greek root words that mean light?