Word Knowledge

Yesterday I presented a true or false question on whether or not Latin and Greek are similar languages.

Is it true or false?

The answer is false.

Latin and Greek are both ancient languages.  They both have their origin in Europe.  They are both branches of the Indo-European language family.  The similarities end there.  Latin is considered a dead language since it is no longer the native language of any community.  Greek is not a dead language.  It is still the native language of the people of Greece.   The two languages use different alphabets.  The Greek language is written in the Greek alphabet while the Latin language is written in the Latin or Roman alphabet.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of learning Latin and Greek root words.  I have included charts of Latin and Greek prefixes, root words, and suffixes to improve the vocabulary skills of my ASVAB students.  Make sure you review Latin and Greek root words to boost your Word Knowledge score.