Paragraph Comprehension
Author’s Tone
Author’s Tone Question Explained
Yesterday I posted this question on author’s tone which is a topic I present in my ASVAB prep course. Author’s tone is one of the numerous types of
questions that occurs on the Paragraph Comprehension section of the ASVAB. In my role as an ASVAB tutor, I see the importance of reminding my students
of the different types of reading comprehension questions that appear on the test. I realize that providing help to ASVAB math, reading, and vocabulary are
all critical in preparing my students for the ASVAB. Yesterday’s question asked about the author’s tone in a passage about his heartbreak after the death
of a loved one. The author’s tone in this story would be depressing. Did you know the answer to this question? Be sure study author’s tone and the various types of paragraph comprehension questions.