Arithmetic Reasoning
Yesterday I presented a question about division with decimals. Do you know what 90 divided by .30 is? Working with decimals is an important math skill to know before taking the ASVAB. As an ASVAB tutor, I see the importance of teaching the students in my ASVAB prep course how to work with decimals using the 4 basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In dividing with decimals, when the divisor (the number that is being divided into the other number) has a decimal, the decimal needs to be moved to the right side of the number.
In this case, 90 divided by .30 requires moving the decimal place.
.30 becomes 30 and 90 becomes 9000.
The decimal point needs to be moved 2 places to the right in each number
9000 divided by 30 is 300.