In life, many people take pride in how busy they are.  We live in a fast-paced world.  People talk of multi-tasking, discuss how little sleep they had, mention how much coffee they drank to stay up all night.  It seems as if it is a goal to be too busy.  Some people have begun to equate business with success.  We need to realize that being busy means nothing if our busyness is not productive.  We need to stop and see if we were being productive in the midst of all this busyness.  If we are not being productive, we need to see what is occupying our time.  Is it distractions?  Is it time wasting activities that are not making any improvements in our lives?

As an ASVAB tutor, I meet many students in my ASVAB prep course who claim they do not have time to study.  They say they are “too busy” to have time to study for the exam.  When I ask questions about the reason they are too busy to study to help improve their ASVAB math and vocabulary scores, I am surprised by the answers I receive.  Sometimes the answer is video games.  Sometimes it is hanging out with friends.  The busyness they mention is not productive busyness.  I need to remind people to clear their schedule of activities that are not improving their lives.  When hobbies or pastimes are holding people back from their dreams, something has to change.  Look at your life.  Are you busy without being productive?  If so, make the change you need today.