Motivational Quote from Les Brown


You must tell yourself, ‘No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets, I’m going to make it. -Les Brown

In working as an ASVAB tutor who teaching an ASVAB prep course, I understand the importance of reminding my students to remain motivated.  The quote I used today is from Les Brown, one of the most powerful motivational speakers of our time.  Les Brown was abandoned as an infant with his twin brother.  He went on to be labeled as mentally retarded.  It was a teacher that he met who told him to never pay attention to anyone’s opinion of you.  That was the turning point in his life.  He has inspired me to encourage my students.  Whether my students need ASVAB math help, vocabulary help, or reading help, the bottom line remains.  They need to remember to live with the mindset of never giving up just like Les Brown.