Purple Heart Day

As an ASVAB tutor, I mention military holidays, observances, and anniversaries in my blogs.  Today, August 7, is Purple Heart Day.  Purple Heart Day is a day for Americans to remember and honor the men and women who bravely served their country and were wounded or killed while serving in the United States military.  The origin of the Purple Heart lies with George Washington.  The original name of the Purple Heart was the Badge of Military Merit.  George Washington was awarded the original Purple Heart in 1782.  The Continental Army had limited funds at the time.  The award served as a way to honor enlisted people who were worthy of recognition.  This award is given to soldiers for one meritorious action.  The original design was a purple heart shaped piece of silk with a thin edge of silver.  Washington only gave out three Purple Hearts himself.  He gave his subordinates the authority to award people with the Purple Heart.  1.8 million Purple Hearts have been awarded throughout the years.  2004 was the first year that Purple Heart Day was observed.  The present-day Purple Heart has a golden image of George Washington overlaying a purple heart background.