Word Knowledge Answer

In my ASVAB prep course, I review over 500 common ASVAB vocabulary words.  I searched through many of the ASVAB study guides on the market.  I created a list of ASVAB words from the various books.  I tallied up how many times the words appeared in the various books.  I selected the words that appeared in multiple books.

Yesterday I presented an ASVAB vocabulary word.  The word for today is “punctuality”.

This is one of the many words that could appear on the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The question is:

What does punctuality mean?

A. On time, prompt

B. Fighting

C. Actuality

D. Vitality

Today I present a video with my cat dressed in camo where he is acting like a drill sergeant or drill instructor reminding his recruits of this importance of punctuality.  Mr. Cuddles says, “In basic training and boot camp, you will learn the importance of punctuality so that when we say, you need to be on time, you better be on time.”  From the context of the sentence, it can be seen that “punctuality” means on time.  The correct answer is Choice A. On time, prompt.