Word Knowledge Question


In working as an ASVAB tutor, I place a strong emphasis on reviewing ASVAB vocabulary.  I review 20 to 30 vocabulary words in each class session except the sessions where I give practice tests.

Today I present an ASVAB vocabulary word.  The word for today is “punctuality”.

“Punctuality” is one of the over 500 words I chose to include in my ASVAB study guide, The ASVAB Tutor’s Word Knowledge and Paragraph Comprehension Study Guide.

This is one of the many words that could appear on the Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB.

The question is:

What does punctuality mean?

A. On time, prompt

B. Fighting

C. Actuality

D. Vitality

Do you know the meaning of the word “punctuality”?  I will present a video tomorrow starring my cat, Mr. Cuddles®.  Thanks to an app that makes it appear that he can speak, he will present the word “punctuality” in the context of a sentence.