Positive Quote from Les Brown

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of aiming high.

Today I present an inspirational quote from motivational speaker, Les Brown.

“Life has no limitations except the ones you make.”- Les Brown

Les Brown is a world-famous motivational speaker that overcame much to achieve his goals.

Leslie Brown and his twin brother Wesley were abandoned as infants.  They were found and adopted by a single woman, Mamie Brown.  She worked as a cafeteria attendant and a cleaning lady.  Les Brown was diagnosed as educable mentally retarded.  Because of this diagnosis, he limited his view of what he could achieve.  This all changed when he met a teacher who told him that he should never let others’ opinions of him dictate who he would become.  These words impacted Les Brown’s life.  He delivers this message to inspire others the world over to this very day.