Positive Quote

In working as an ASVAB tutor, I see the value in presenting inspirational quotes.  Joining the military is something that requires a great deal of positive thinking.  Being a part of the mliiltary requires both physical and mental fortitude.  Strength in body, mind and spirit are very important to be successful in military life.

Today I present an inspirational quote.

“Focus on the outcome, not the obstacle.”- Unknown

In life we need to realize that whatever receives our attention is what grows.  In order to achieve our goals, we need to keep our eyes fixed on that goal.  Challenges are the hurdles and obstacles that can take our eyes off our goals.  When we become distracted by the setbacks that may come along, we lose our focus.  When we lose focus, we lose our concentration and our progress is slowed down.

Many times I meet students who come to me after having already failed the obstacle.  Often times, they reach out for help with a sense of discouragement.  They feel disappointed in themselves and have lost some of their hope in achieving their goals.  I remind my ASVAB students that they need to seek to outsmart the test makers.  They need not be discouraged but instead learn from their failure on how to better prepare for the exam to achieve their goal on enlisting.