Paragraph Comprehension Question

What is the author’s tone in a passage written by an animal rights activist about animal testing?

As an ASVAB tutor, in my ASVAB prep course, I see the importance of presenting my students with the concept of author’s tone in a passage.  Author’s tone is not something that is directly stated in the passage. The reader must read between the lines to figure out the author’s tone.

The author’s tone is the attitude of the author in a passage.  What do you think the author’s tone would be in this example?  Do you think an animal right’s activist would have a positive or negative view of animal testing?  Start with that idea and then evaluate the answer choices.  In order to succeed on the ASVAB, make sure you focus on topics that will help to improve your ASVAB math and verbal scores.  Stay tuned for the answer to this question tomorrow.