Motivational Quote from Army General Norman Schwarzkopf

General Norman Schwarzkopf was an American Army General.  His quote is a  powerful quote. He said, “The truth is that you always know the right thing to do.  The tough part is doing it.”  This quote made me think.  I think he could be right.  People usually do know right from wrong.  Choosing to do the right thing is not always the easiest path to take.  In working as an ASVAB tutor, I have seen many of my students in my ASVAB prep course over the years make the choice to join the military.  It was not the easy choice to make for many of them to make the decision to enlist.  For many students, realizing they needed help with their ASVAB math and vocabulary was the first step toward achieving their goal.  Good things don’t come easily in life.