Motivational Quote

Motivational Monday

You can be free from everything but the consequences of what you do. -Isabelle Holland

In life, our choices have consequences.  We have freedom in life, but our choices have consequences.  You reap what you sow.  As an ASVAB tutor, I see how the level of work that people put into studying affects the outcome of their attempt at the ASVAB.  I meet students who say that it is not worth it to study for vocabulary because it is hard to know what words will be on the test.  When I hear someone say that I realize that I am talking to someone who wants to find the easy way.  I want to make them realize that when you take the easy way in life you are making your life hard.  When people shy away from hard work, they often come to face the consequences of that decision.  I am here to remind you to never shy away from hard work because the consequences of hard work are worth it.