Mathematics Knowledge

As an ASVAB tutor, I saw the importance of writing a book to review Mathematics Knowledge.  My book, The ASVAB Tutor’s Mathematics Knowledge Study Guides reviews a variety of topics, most of which are algebra and geometry.  There are many topics that are essential to review within algebra.  I focus on solving for x, working with exponents, performing basic operations with polynomials, and working on algebra with fractions. A number of my students are intimidated by algebra.  Others are intimidated by fractions.  Today’s problem combines these two topics into one problem.

Today I present a Mathematics Knowledge question.

The question is an algebra question that is the topic of algebra with fractions.

The question is:

If 5/6x = 30, what does x equal?

A. 20

B. 25

C. 36

D. 42

To solve this problem, you need to get the letters on one side of the equation and the numbers on the other side.  Do you know how to solve for x when a fraction is involved?

I will present the answer and explanation tomorrow.