Mathematics Knowledge

In my ASVAB prep course preparing people to join the military, I review triangles in my review of Mathematics Knowledge.  As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students of the importance of reviewing triangles.  Yesterday I presented a question on triangles.  This question is about a right triangle.  It asks about possible angle measures of a right triangle.

Which of the following could be the angle measures in a right triangle?

  1. 30, 50, 90
  2. 60, 60, 60
  3. 30, 60, 90
  4. 40, 80, 60

Every triangle has 3 angles that add up to 180 degrees.

A right triangle has one 90-degree angle.

In looking at the choices, we need to make sure that the 3 angles add up to 180 degrees and that one of them is 90 degrees.

The only 2 answer choices that have a 90-degree angle are choice A and choice C.

When we add up the angles in choice A. 30, 50, 90, they add up to 170 degrees.

When we add up the angles in choice C. 30, 60, 90, they add up to 180 degrees.

The correct answer is choice C.

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