Mathematics Knowledge

In my role as an ASVAB tutor, I spend most of the time in my ASVAB prep course working on the two Math sections of the ASVAB, Arithmetic Reasoning and Mathematics Knowledge.  One of the 15 subtopics I cover on the Mathematics Knowledge section of the ASVAB is triangles.  Triangles is a topic in geometry.  Today I present a question on triangles.  This question is about a right triangle.  It asks about possible angle measures of a right triangle.

Which of the following could be the angle measures in a right triangle?

  1. 30, 50, 90
  2. 60, 60, 60
  3. 30, 60, 90
  4. 40, 80, 60

Do you know how to solve this problem?  I will present the answer and explanation tomorrow.