Inspirational Quote

Don’t wish for it. Work for it.

As an ASVAB tutor, I remind my students in my ASVAB prep course that achieving goals comes from hard work.  In life, we can wish for things or we can work for them.  Wishing doesn’t go very far.  I hear things like:

I wish I was better at math.

I wish I had a stronger vocabulary.

I wish I could solve these math problems without a calculator.

I wish I could solve the problems quicker.

Wish, wish, wish.

A change needs to be made to: Work, work, work.

I am working on becoming better at math.

I am working on building my vocabulary.

I am working on solving these math problems without a calculator.

I am working on solving the problems quicker.

Wishing is passive.  It involves sitting back and hoping for better.

Working is active.  It involves taking on the task and focusing on how to improve your current situation.  If you need help on ASVAB math or vocabulary, work on it.  Don’t wish for it.